Tuesday 1 January 2013

Touring around Bangalore

We took a walk this morning and attracted a lot of attention. A number of tuktuk drivers offered their services, wanting to take us on tours for an hour or two. After hearing a number of offers and getting to walk a bit we took a tuktuk. Our driver took us to see the government buildings for the state of Karnataka (the state has 70 million people in it so the buildings are huge), the king's palace, and a silk manufacturer. He also recommended a place for lunch! One thing I love is how helpful everyone is! Also we got lots of smiles and greetings of "happy new year" today. The boys have been getting lots of comments on their blonde hair and blue eyes. I am beginning to see how rare this is...we only saw 3 other caucasians today and none of them were in the neighbourhood where we are currently staying.


  1. Gorgeous pictures! Nice to see you all looking so well. Hope you are catching up on your sleep.
    Happy New Year!

  2. cathy vanwerkhoven1 January 2013 at 10:35

    So....nice to here you are all doing okay, hope blair feel better soon. Called Sharon this morning, quess I had the wrong blog.So how has the shopping been and are you able to cook in your hotel?

    Wish you all a happy new year!
    Love Mom

    1. Blair really felt better today. His response to the change in time zones has been to sleep a lot and eat hardly anything. The rest of us have been awake between midnight and 3am. Today Blair has had a few bites for breakfast and an ok lunch. He was much less tired this morning as we went on another tour of the city in a tuktuk.

  3. Good to hear you made it safe and sound! Luke is very excited for Blair and his India adventure!
    Hugs & prayers for you all :)
    Love the Yaks

  4. Also love it that you took a tuktuk! What an adventure! Mum

  5. So the shopper in me wants to know.....did you buy any silk? The scarves there must be amazing!!!

  6. Dawn-Marie: I did buy 4 silk shirts on the second day we were in India. They have been amazing. They are wonderfully cool and light and they wash easy and dry in a few hours. I did buy one scarf but it is a wool scarf.
