Tuesday 22 January 2013

The Hotel

We have been spending our mornings in the hotel enjoying a leisurely breakfast, helping the boys with some school work and playing in the pool. The afternoons are spent going for walks in the local neighbourhood or taking a tuktuk to a park or shopping centre. Here are some pictures from the breakfast patio, the pool and our room.


  1. Hi Nancy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN, hope you had a nice day even though you had to work. WOW your accommodations look great, nice pool, looks like it is set up nice for the boys with lots of space. I loved your last blog about the food. It sounds like it is working out quite well, even though the shopping is a bit of doing. Hope your work is going well Kevin, you must be busy. Hello to Rowan, Blair and William, they look very happy in the pictures. Missing you guys, hugs to everyone.
    Love Mom

  2. Hi Nancy,
    Lovely place you're staying in! So glad for you. Hope you guys did something special for Kev's birthday, we're certainly thinking of you all. Thanks for putting up the pictures, it's nice to get a clear idea of what things are like for you.

  3. Glad to see you're having a good trip. We miss you and are praying for you to enjoy your last couple of weeks and then safe trip home. Can't wait to see you in person and hear all about your adventures in India.
    Andrea :)

  4. Wow! Your home-away-from-home looks fantastic! And what a great routine you & the boys have!
