Thursday 10 January 2013

The Beach

The best thing about Goa is the beach. We stayed on Sunset Beach in South Goa. The sand is perfect for the boy's creations, the water is so warm yet it is cool enough to refresh one after being in 35 degree heat, the beach is so quiet, we could spread out and have a big area of sand and surf to ourselves. We spent the majority of the last 7 days sitting on the sand or standing in the waves with the boys and it was perfect. In the last couple of days we collected hermit crabs with a family from Denmark, William built a sand castle with the lifeguard, and we threw a Frisbee around with a young couple from Warsaw, Russia. There are lifeguards stationed along the beach but are not very attentive to the activity in the water and sit about 100feet or more away from the shoreline. This all made much more sense to me after I saw their vehicle drive up the beach. Written on the side of the vehicle is not Dept of Public Safety nor Dept of Parks, but Dept of Tourism :)  So, I didn't feel bad at all when William distracted the lifeguard from his work for almost an hour!


  1. This looks amazing! How is everyone keeping up? What date are you coming home? I would love to see you shortly after you get back. Old Goa looks like a sight to be seen! I hope you take lots of pictures. Love you my friend.

  2. We are all doing really welll! Everyone is healthy and happy. We are enjoying Bangalore again. I am glad that we spent some time here as a family before Kevin started working. I am now somewhat familiar with the city (and the kids have learned how to walk on the side of the road, sidewalks are for piles of rubble and parking motorbikes) and know where to buy food and where to take the kids for outings.
    We come back on Feb 10 and I would love to see you too! I will call you when we are back! Till then, email wil have to do :)

  3. What is that building/structure in the background of the last picture?

  4. Dawn-Marie: It is a fishing boat. Some mornings we would see the fishermen folding all their nets away after fishing in the early morning and pulling their boats up on the sand before the tide went out for the day. I think Kevin has a good picture on his blog:

  5. Aaaah....I see it now! I'll take a look at Kevin's pics...
