Sunday 3 February 2013


The boys and I were at the Information & Technology Museum on Wednesday. As usual the boys approached by a group of strangers who wanted to take some pictures of themselves with the boys. Also, as usual, it was not just one or two pictures. All the guys in this group wanted a turn to be in a picture with the boys. The whole thing lasted a good 10 - 15 minutes so I decided to join in and take some pictures with my camera as well. These guys were so happy to interact with the boys, find out their names and where we were from. It is really amazing how young Indian guys are not afraid to show affection towards children. Here are a few of the pictures I took...


  1. I especially love the cool-dude in the toque in this last picture! lol.....

    The boys must have been good sports to have so many pictures taken. Have they gotten tired of the attention yet? I imagine they'll have a bit of a reversal culture shock when they get back. I can't believe your trip is almost over!

    1. Yes, the boys are getting a bit tired of all the attention from strangers in public. They still love to play with the staff at the hotel because the boys are familiar with them now. You can see Blair's pouty face in one of these pictures. That is his sign that he is done with the picture-taking.
