Monday 31 December 2012

We made it!

The taxi ride from the airport to our apartment was exactly like I pictured it. It started with more than one taxi driver persistently wanting to get us to where we were going. They didn't seem to mind that they didn't recognize the address or even understand when we showed them on a map. In the end our driver made two phone calls to get directions. It seemed to help him if he had the name of an intersection or roundabout, which we of course didn't know and it is not on google maps.
The drive itself was fast and well, it is hard to put into words. There were 6 of us squished into a car made for 5. The road was a 3 lane highway (the lanes are clearly optional, most of the time is spent moving freely between them) that kept going down to 2 lanes and the worst pavement ever. Once we got into the city itself all the roads were a free for all. It seems all you have to do is honk when you want to pass another vehicle and then speed up and hope for the best.
After recovering slightly from jet lag I went to the local grocer and produce store. Just to walk there, figure out where to cross the road (not at the intersection, there wasn't a stop light there and red lights don't mean much anyway), and how to walk on the "sidewalk" (a dusty, broken up extension of the road) was an adventure. I wish I brought the camera but I had enough other things on my mind. Possibly too much of an adventure for our first 12 hours in Bangalore and having no sleep for over 20 hours. Tomorrow is a new day.

Saturday 29 December 2012

London, UK

We have arrived in London, took a taxi to the hotel and are very hungry for breakfast...but it is actually  dinner time - not sure what we are suppose to be eating :)  We all slept a little on the airplane.  William was a real trooper right to the end when he vomited all over himself...the half-hour right before landing was a bit bumpy. Rowan was sick a few times as well but being older and able to articulate the fact that his stomach was upset meant we had a few minutes to get the motion sickness bag out and all was contained.  I hadn't given anyone Gravol because they were all sleeping so well.  Next flight, I'll give them Gravol for it's intended purpose: motion sickness :)
Now to find some food...